New Bagel of the Month: Get autumn-ready

This post will divide people. There will be those who love summer – who always seem to be tanned, get out and about in the heat of the midday sun, and spend all their spare time at the beach – and there are those for whom summer is fine and dandy, but at this time of year the heat gets a little too much and they’re welcoming autumn and the cooler weather with open arms.

If you’re the latter, you’ll probably love all those nice autumnal things, like the leaves turning from green to orange, curling up in the evenings with a Netflix series instead of being pressured to go on a pub crawl, and the lovely feeling of having a campfire with your friends as the evening draws in. Now, I’m not one to get emotional or romantic about… anything really… but I do fondly remember having campfires at summer camp as a kid, and all the nice things that came with it, like the smokey, burnt wood smell and the feeling of being all cosy and warm outside. But most of all, being a baker, it was the food that I associated most with.

Now, who doesn’t love toasted marshmallows? I’m not sure I know anyone who dislikes them. Toasted marshmallows are a universally loved food – which I believe means there are likely aliens out there who wouldn’t turn one down. I bet I could even convince a paleo, keto, 5:2 fasting, crossfitting, no-sugar, no-fat dieter to try a bite just by wafting it under their nose – and they’d like it, too.

But it wasn’t just about the marshmallows when I was a kid. There were all sorts of goodies to be had. Maple syrup pie, Jo Louis cake, figgy duff, and of course, cinnamon buns. I’ve talked about cinnamon buns before on here, but for those of you who don’t know, they’re one of my guilty pleasures (although I never really feel guilty when I eat one… odd). Anytime I pass a Cinnabon store, I can’t help but buy a box to take home.

cinnamon twister bagel

Therefore, this month’s Bagel of the Month welcomes autumn in style with the Cinnamon Twister Bagel. It’s shaped like a bagel, but jumbo in size (that means more bagel for your buck)! I created it by twisting two pieces of dough together, and wrapping that twist round on itself to create a circle. It’s actually double the weight of a normal bagel and perfect if you’re looking for a real comfort food treat.

The dough has cinnamon sugar mixed into it, and of course the bagel is topped with cinnamon sugar for a warm, autumn crunch. Pair yours with a hot cup of coffee in the morning to start your day off right, or eat it warmed up with a cup of cocoa while you’re watching that Netflix series I was talking about. There are many ways to enjoy this bagel – but as always, it’s around for one month only, so place your orders now!

This is an archived post so this Bagel of the Month is no longer available. If you would like to keep up with the latest news and not miss out on future Bagels of the Month, subscribe to our newsletter below.


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