July’s Bagel of the Month plus a new indulgence

If you thought this was a post about our new Bagel of the Month, you’d be wrong… and also right! We’re launching a brand new street food indulgence to encourage you to get your hands dirty and your tastebuds satisfied at our next market - PLUS, our new monthly bagel flavour, both of which are based on a similar concept: challah.

I know some people reading this won’t be familiar with this Jewish bread, so here’s a quick rundown for the uninitiated. Challah is a special bread split with family on occasions, like Shabbat. It’s instantly recognisable for its bulbous appearance, which is all thanks to the braiding or twisting of the dough that takes place after the first rising. This braided effect represents sitting down as a family on sabbath - this is where the braiding begins - then, as the family grows apart and does their own thing during the week, and the bread twists and turns, and then you come together again as a family, and that’s the end of the bread.

People who have tried challah before will remember its pillowy soft texture and slightly sweet taste, along with that glimmering, golden crust. And it’s best pulled apart - don’t cut it with a knife!

Now that that’s out of the way, I can introduce to you ‘The Knish’. We know, some might confuse it with that Jewish pie-like snack. But the name actually comes from a time when people couldn’t be bothered to say my full surname, so me and my brother were each known as Knish. Lazy, right? But it’s better than some of the other names I was called…

challah bagel

The Knish features a challah bun adorned with black sesame seeds for that smokey, nutty flavour. Inside, it’s generously smeared with homemade spicy BBQ sauce, and filled with a ‘slaw that’s to die for, comprising dill, onion, lettuce and cucumber. And what Bagel or Beigel street food delight would be complete without some meat? The Knish is filled to the rim with the tastiest salt beef in town; a melt-in-your-mouth, perfectly seasoned cut of beef that slides down your throat and leaves you wanting more. To top it all off, each Knish comes with a pot of BBQ sauce for dipping - we don’t like to hold back on our flavours!

At the same time, we’re launching our challah bagel as our Bagel of the Month! Again, this features a challah dough that is braided to give a beautiful effect once it’s out of the oven. It’s so nice to look at that, that you won’t want to eat it… so, that’s a lie, but we know that you’ll appreciate its beautiful braided effect.

Enjoy your challah bagel with a dribble of honey or some chocolate spread. It is one of those doughs that can go with both sweet and savoury offerings without overpowering them. Some people even enjoy challah with just a sprinkle of salt, which takes me to my childhood summers at camp, where we would eat challah on the sabbath after prayers.

Make sure you’re first in line at our next market to get a bite of The Knish, and order now to get your challah bagel delivered straight to your door!


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We’re All About the Bagels